Monday, December 4, 2006

Cinta = Love Actually

Aku kena tipu~!!! Its a spin off~! Piracy~! Baik Punya Cilok~! Ok, ok, ok....I am not really pissed but its a great sad and touching local version of British movie Love Actually. Cinematography was good and the locations are around Kuala Lumpur which I can certainly relate to. The story really inter twine between the different kinds of love with happy and dramatically sad storylines. But hey....its not an original~! So that is that.

Que Haidar is a great young actor, Eizlan Yusoff makes a comeback but only so-so, Pierre Andre is certainly overrated, Rahim Razali as usual is simply magnificent, the other Kahar sister Baizura plays her role really well, there is this child actress but I cant get her name....she is certainly the brightest cutest star and Sharifah Amani can suddenly speak Malay~!

The movie is good no doubt... good direction, pace of story is almost perfect with emotions. If I didn't watch Love Actually I would have really dug deep into it. Although a spin off but to say its a step backward in the local movie industry it is not. Script was really good, real life depictions of love and more love...dah nama cerita pun Cinta kan?

I'll give it 4 stars for great cenimatography and script....acting, accept for a tiny few was beyond my expectations so that recieves a 4 as well. But because it hit me that its a local drama of Love Actually I am forced to give it a 3 and a half (lagi setengah tue kesian).
Next time, originality please~!

1 comment:

Admen Hassan said...

Actually, I think you should watch Love Actually before making such conclusion. I have seen both movies and I have to give Cinta merits of its own in originality.

Love Actually and Cinta are similar in the Storytelling Method (5 stories in 1). And it stops there. You don't see the Malaysian Hugh Grant of the office romance topic. Nor a Colin Firth finding love while finishing struggling with writers' block.

There are a few method of storytelling (1 & 3rd person narration, classic storytelling or in this case multi-story combination) and most movies fall within these categories. Penalising movies for originality is not fair as 95% of movies out there would be equally unoriginal in that sense.

To me the stories in Cinta are Malaysian bred. And for that, they earned my respect.