Thursday, November 1, 2007

This blog is not dead~!!

Terribly sorry for the serious lack of updates for the past months. But we have been really busy for a seriously bloody long time. But surely this blog is not dead....nor have we given up updating. The fact is that we seem to not have the time to watch a movie at the local cinemas. We have however contemplated that we will include reviews of DVDs but yet it seems to be a bit contradicting to the actual purpose of this blog.

So, we the authors have a new found vigor come December. This blog will go for a makeover and a slight change of direction. No worries...we are still going to review movies but from more than just cinemas. So be on the look out for this the reviews here will be sizzling, off beat and not your normal newspaper or magazine review of movies. Plus we are trying to include lots of reviews of classic movies that we think everyone should have in their collection.

Keep those fingers tapping~ we seriously can hear your annoyance. The curtains shall rise again~! Muuahahah~!


Ajami Hashim said...

Salaam bro..

nak join tak tgk ANAK HALAL:

16/12 ahad 4pm gsc.pavilion

if mau email me:


*tiket ditaja ;-)

Unknown said...

cool post sir i really enjoy it. waiting for your new posts.
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