Sunday, May 27, 2007

Review: Blades of Glory

This is a simple movie. Its about 2 guys rivaling in figure ice skating. Both of them is in the single. Their rivalry are to the extend even out from the ice ring. What happened is, in one competition both of them got tied for the 1st place. They got into a fight and disgraced the sportsmanship. Hence the federation that governed the ice skating banned them from competing ever again. But there is a loophole in the laws.

They are banned from the single, but not in paired ice skating. So what happens is, it is a heresy of paired ice skating. Usually it would be between a girl and a guy. But never between a guy with a guy. So the story starts from there. How they build the teamwork and others. Its a simple comedy movie. But the what you have to look for is the actions that hold innuendos. Well...most of it with homosexual u can find a bucket to puke on...but funny like hell.

A good movie just to have a good laugh. 4 out of 5.

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