Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Dreamgirls (Review)

If any of you hate the history of music please stop reading now. Even with Beyonce if you have no passion for the music highlighted it will truly be a waste of your money. For me I enjoyed every bit of it. From Broadway to the silver screen this is a magnificent effort~!

The actors are mighty accomplished and the music directing is...astonishingly good. Imagine four fifths of the movie is singing and music all the way. If you have not already known this here movie is about the struggle to stardom for a girl group of the 70's and how they evolve together to be at the top. Jamie Foxx is really a good actor...he plays his real to absolute perfection. Eddie Murphy as we all know is a funny goof in his own movies but in this one he is a mix of laughter, bitterness and sadness.

Now I can't deny that the star of it all is Beyonce but above all else the movie really stands out for the way it is delivered is something so out of fashion 20 years ago. And for once being out of fashion this time is a bloody hell good thing. The story is tight....the pace is near perfect and the soundtrack is stuff that makes history comes alive and in living colour too.

Watching it makes us understand the music industry then and how it is now. It has not changed much I bet. And the evil greed that consumes everything, including love takes centre stage here courtesy of Jamie Foxx. Each and every other actors that are involved besides the ultimate stars here gave their best ever...Danny Glover, Jennifer Hudson, Keith Robinson bloody hell all were good. But the best performance has to be Jennifer Hudson.....she will win the silverware no doubt.

My ultimate movie rating and I think first ever...5 over 5 plus a must have movie soundtrack the the RnB ans soul fans out there~~!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I fast-forwarded through the singing bit. It was never a movie to begin with. Jennifer Hudson to take home the Oscar!