Before you people read on....remember this movie is rated 18PL in Malaysia. So don't tell me that I didn't tell you. Let me tell you what this movie is not in the first place. It's not littered with cute chicks or guys or it is the normal teen flicks we get from "seberang". This is purely an adult movie and is best watched with open minds and heart.
Directed by Nia Di Nata (producer of Janji Joni and other highly acclaimed movies), she has a knack to direct or produce movies that touches stark reality. When Janji Joni is a story about a day as a film delivery man, this movie is about 3 women's predicament and polygamy. Naturally this movie too has won the 26th Hawaii International Film Festival. Feminist out there will undoubtedly shout about the so called mistreatment that women in Indonesia go through but reality check, it's their culture.
Honestly I find this movie quiet entertaining as in littered with punch lines and sarcasm not forgetting the nuances of family living in polygamy (iMDB lists this one as Comedy/Drama). Its sad too and women out there will surely want to bring their husband to watch this. This is not a family movie but more for married couples as well as those who are still doing the dating game.
Warning to the guys...get ready to be pinched a lot for no particular reason just because you are the male of the species. I certainly got that and my left arm is full of bruises after. The actors and actresses are not probably well known outside of Indonesia but I have to tell you this, damn they are good~! Owh and each story (there are 3) is intertwined by these 3 women are connected or crossed each other's lives at one point or the other. A good case of very different people but with a common situation (some how this technique is catching on somehow).
A good thing is that this movie really takes the audience into the lives of of the 3 women's lives and tackles social and political issues to the hilt. I was really smacked literally by the girlfriend...if we were not watching this at the movies I would be man-handled~! Women activist can give a good cheer for this movie because all three women won their right and ambition at the end.
Cinematography is no revelation....the script is good....characters are very strong and believable. Its a 4 3/4 and believe me I can't find any reason to give it any less a rating.
This movie sounds promising. I'll try to watch it soon.
Hope your arm is better.
Thanks for the review.
I love the movie because the screenplay is superb. The story itself is good, of course.
whoaa! very informative reviews! sorilah i lambat 'terjumpa' ur blog!
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