Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Spiderman3 (Review)

I know it is a bit late for this one but hey up keeping a movie blog take a lot of money and effort ok. So now there is the 3rd Installment thus making it a web trilogy. So since where the last Spidey movie left off this should be a fine sequel. But what else is to expect from a superhero 3rd sequel? Well, one is Spidey do still stick onto walls. But is there really something new?

This time it gets to be even more emotional. There is actually lesser Spidey swinging and more Peter Parker. Yes, of course I know they are the same person. But character wise it is certainly a darker side of Spidey. Villains aside we know Venom and that sand dude is in. The new Goblin decides to actually help Parker in the end. But what is the biggest villain of all? It's Spidey himself. Funny how just a dumb lookng icky gook could make a pretty boring thing becomes interesting. But nothing much is said about it let alone it's origin. Still it is the darkest Spidey movie to date. Because of that I love it...I'll give it a 3 1/2 star rating.

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